Elegant Leadership
(Lead & Inspire Your Team to its Maximum Potential)
Course Description
Discover the keys to becoming an effective & Inspiring Leader in this course. Learn practical ways to lead and engage. Get your team to work together as never before and perform at a higher level. Achieve your goals and exceed your targets by enrolling, engaging and empowering your team to fully be behind you and get more done, faster.
“This training is very useful for transforming myself to be a better leader.”
~ Mohd Sapuwan B Abu Bakar, Politeknik Shah Alam
“A very good training for a leader. I learnt a lot of leadership technique, time management and also learn how to analyse people, improve communication and become a more confident person. Very good and he inspires participants to become a great leader – you have to conquer yourself before coaching someone.”
~ Ahmad Zafir Latib, Politeknik Sultan Idris Shah, Sabak Bernam
“This training is excellent for realizing our highest potential, to fulfil our deepest purpose to be a great leader.”
~ Rozaiman Suffian Bin Othman, Politeknik Merlimau Melaka
“This course will teach you how to organise and make planning for yourself and your organization. On the aspects of leadership and how to distinguish between a manager and a leader. This course would make you a better person in the organisation and in life.”
~ Hisham Kamal Bin Othman Kamal, KPT – Dasar Antarabangsa
“Failure is a learning experience, how to be a good leader – This course give me the way how to lead with self-leadership.”
~ Mohd Ridhuan Bin Mohd Jamil, Politeknik Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah
“Good course where we can apply to the real world. I can boost up my confidence and understand the keys to a winning team.”
~ Sylvia Ong Ai Ling, Politeknik Kuching, Sarawak
“A good volleyball game and it was a good practice for our leadership and cooperative learning from a different perspective. This is an effective program.”
~ Chok Kong Yu, Politeknik Johor Bharu
“Is good for us to attend this course because we will know more about ourselves and can do something to change ourselves. Can improve ourselves in the workplace, change the way we think in our workplace.”
~ Dollite Bt Anthony Kingan, Politeknik Sabah